Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Beach in Thailand. Oh My.

I haven't written much since being on the island because a) internet is pretty scarce here and b) there just isn't that much to write.

But that isn't a bad thing, as it turns out. In fact, it has been a most glorious thing. I mean, really, who needs constant movement and excitement when you have white, powdery sand as far as the eye can see, a clear green sea and sunny skies every day?

All of the days seem to roll into one here and they all involve pretty much the same things, although in varying orders: getting up whenever the mood strikes, liesurely breakfasts, beach time (and lots of it), talking (and lots of it), meals at restaurants ON the beach, naps on the beach, walks along the beach, handstand competitions in the water, swims (okay, slow bobbing) to a neighboring beach, reading, walks to the fishing village side of the island, walks into "town", massages (sometimes even ON the beach, oh yeah), playing cards, laughing, fawning all over the world's cutest puppies who just so happen to live on "our" beach in Thailand and who spend lots of time playing and sleeping around us, making fun of the way Brits say things (both Dani and Duncan are English and I would conservatively estimate that half of our conversations revolve around me and Sarah either being totally enchanged by their accent, trying (badly) to imitate them, trying to figure out what the heck they're saying and/or mocking them... but let it be said we also take lots of mocking for our bad American accents), making fun of men in Speedos (it really should be illegal in ALL countries) and lots and lots of general lazing about. It's awesome.

And that's it, really. That's all I have to post about to cover the last 4 days or so. And I have absolutely NO complaints at all about it. This will forevermore be referred to as the "insanely chill" portion of our trip and I have to say it was perfectly timed. It has been absolutely delightful to have no plan whatsoever and to so completely, totally enjoy just being able to spend these days on such a lovely little piece of Thailand. Especially with such cool people. It's good to 'see' and 'do', but sometimes it's equally important to just 'be' and to enjoy being. It IS vacation, after all.

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