Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The clouds have lifted...

For those of you who were a little worried about me yesteday, rest assured, all is well again! It was just a brief bout of grumpiness. And I think I figured out the the main source of my problem yesterday: total exhaustion. The kind of absolute, complete tiredness that makes everything, even the tiniest of things that you would normally brush off just seem either a) insurmountable or b) super annoying. And that was pretty much my day yesterday in a nutshell. Normally crowded buses and participial adverbs do not send me to the brink of tears.

Now why would I be tired? Just because of the 8 hours of classes a day (it's been a loooong time since I've been in school and even then, let's be honest, I wasn't studying 8 hours a day), the 3 hours of homework in the evenings, adjusting to a new culture and way of doing everything, trying to get myself around a new city on a daily basis AND speaking in a second language? Nooooo, that can't be it! (Note: Since I originally posted this last night, it has been suggested to me by a number of people that yet another possibility for my extreme tiredeness Monday might just be related to my two all-nighters over the weekend. But it can't be... all-nighters don't wipe out young people!)

But I knew that things were back to normal today when I was on the bus and it was SOOO crowded that I literally had to go THREE stops past where I wanted to get off before I could worm my way out of the masses. Yesterday that would've left me either in a heap on the floor or punching out a bunch of Chileans. Today I just kind of chuckled and got on the next bus that came by (albeit 25 minutes later) to get back to where I had tried to get off in the first place! Pays to be laid back in South America.


Anonymous said...

could it also be all this "partying until 5am" business??? ha-ha. glad to hear that the clouds have lifted. i don't think that i would have been able to laugh off missing 3 bus stops and catching another to get back where i was going, but then again, i am one time-conscious american!

Julie Garner said...

I'm certain the clouds lifted because of one very special phone call you had last night...yeah, yeah...THAT'S it!

And, as an FYI, I looked up Particle Adverbs after our call and I couldn't find anything that specifically was termed that. (So, maybe your teacher was just trying to rattle your chains) A participle is a verbal that is used as an adjective and most often ends in -ing or -ed. So maybe a participle adverb is an adverb that describes that verbal. ("The WILDLY burning log fell off the fire.") Anyway...we can practice grammar together when you get home. I LOVE IT!

Well, I have to go play with Jude and prop up my feet so I take care of your namesake! I love you! Eat some yummy lentil soup and other Chilean treats for me.
