Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A Day in Santiago

Nope, no post yesterday. That was because my brain was soooo tired it just wanted to curl up in a little ball and go to bed. This week we started teaching 40-minute lessons during the days, which means even MORE work preparing in the evenings. Who would have even thought that was possible?!

So, for today, I thought I would just keep things simple (my brain is still recovering) and tell you what my typical day looks like in Santiago. Quite honestly, at this point it's fairly non-exciting as my world is consumed by studying. Other than my jaunts last weekend into the center of town, that's really all I've been doing since arriving. (But I have high hopes for this weekend; plans are in the works!) So, this is pretty much how my normal day goes:

7:30 am - Wake up. Okay, okay, 7:45. Alright, alright... 8! Oh-five. Ironic, no, that I actually have to get up earlier on my "vacation" than I did while working?

8:20 am - Come downstairs to my sweetly laid-out little breakfast which usually consists of a mini-ham sandwich (yes, a ham sandwich for breakfast), a piece of fruit and a cup of tea. I'll have to take a picture of the presentation one of these days... it's really cute. Of course, that would be dependent on my ever having an extra 30 seconds in the morning, so don't hold your breath.

8:35 am - Get on one of two buses which take me to my classes at Bridge Linguatec. Sometimes the ride takes 25 minutes, sometimes it takes 40, depending on when the bus driver feels like showing up. Today it was the latter.

9 am - Classes start. I drink coffee. Lots of coffee.

2:30 - 3:30 pm - Break for lunch. The first week this was all fun and games as we went out to cool Chilean places every day. Then we started counting our money and, whatd'ya know, now we pack our lunches. But at least we can still sit outside on the little terrace and enjoy the sunny goodness of Santiago.

3:30 - 6 pm - More classes. More coffee. I have a feeling espresso will soon be involved.

6 - 8:30 pm - Either hang around the academy to get a head start on the next day's lesson, head home to sit out in the back yard so I can enjoy the fresh air and the last of the sunlight while doing homework, run some errands or, my personal favorite, go out for some vino with my classmates to both work off the stress of the day and/or to counteract the effects of 12 cups of coffee.

8:30 - 10 pm - Dinner time! Sometimes Maria has already eaten by this time but Edgar always waits for me and we sit and talk and laugh together. Even if he has already eaten (they're older so eat earlier than the typical Chilean), he will always come and join me and have some tea and lots of Spanish conversation (they speak not a word of English). We've developed a cool little rapport and I really enjoy these times of sitting and talking with him. Other than lunch time, this is the only time of day that I feel truly relaxed.

10 pm - ???? - This is when the rubber meets the road. Homework time. And shower time. And computer time. Most nights I get to bed by 2 am, sometimes as late as 3 am and on rare occasions as "early" as 1 am. I always knew being a night owl was going to pay off somehow! Then finally to sleep.... so I can get up at 7:30 (alright, 8:05!) and do it all over again. Woo-hoo!
Editor's Note: No, I have not actually seen people hanging off of the bus like in the picture above.

1 comment:

alibethb said...

Hey Katy! Not really appreciating the weather updates thank you very much. On Monday Alex's hair FROZE when he was walking from the car to the door at school. And today when you were traveling to school in air conditioning I had to chip 1" of ice off the driveway and then run to class so I wouldn't get frostbite by the time I got there. So I would appreciate it if you kindly kept your reports to yourself, thank you.

PS I am actually VERY jealous!!! Miss you.