Thursday, February 7, 2008

HOW many hours of homework?!

Note: It took me a couple of days to get connected, so if you want to catch up with the beginning of things, be sure to check out the posts below, starting with the last one and working your way up....

Well, yesterday was my first day of TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) Classes. You will notice that I did not add an entry to my blog yesterday. That was because my brain was mush by the end of the day. I knew that the course was termed “intensive” but I’m pretty sure that was a severely gross understatement. In a nutshell, classes run from roughly 9 am to 5 pm (time is fluid here), with an hour for lunch thrown in there. Then there is an average of 4 hours of homework thrown in on top of that. Good times!

But even so, I love it so far. The teacher is an American lady from Maryland and the other 3 students are also all from various parts of the US. Within minutes we were all laughing and pretty quickly a casual, friendly atmosphere was created where we all feel safe to make fools of ourselves as we are learning together. Today we broke into tear-inducing laughter at least three times… it helps a lot to ease the intensity of the day.

I have to admit that I was expecting a bit of a “cake” day on the first day of classes, mostly spent introducing ourselves and going over the basics of what we will be doing. I was mistaken. Instead, we jumped in headlong immediately and by the afternoon were doing practice teaching sessions and were sent home with 2 hours of homework (we were informed that will be our lightest homework day of the whole course… guess that was what she considered the “cake” part of the day). As if just figuring out the bus system and how to just get to and from class on my first day wasn’t enough in and of itself!

Speaking of the bus, in my 3 bus rides so far, I have witnessed 4 instances of men giving up their seats for women. It’s so natural here… even more to dig about Chile!

It’s now almost seven and I must catch the bus home so I have some time to do some errands before dinner, then spend about an hour and a half conversing at the table before heading up to my room by 11 to start my hours of homework… who said this was vacation?!


Unknown said...

I love the blog! And am envious of your South American adventures. Glad i can keep track of your antics this way...buena suerte! -- d.

Julie Garner said...

FABULOUS blogging...although, disappointing that you would remove that gorgeous photo of you and your blogging coach! By far, that was the BEST part of coming to your blog site. Ha ha!

Well, that kind of "cake" that you had in your first class is better than the waist-line. Think of it that way.

Don't love it there too much--I need you back here as soon as possible to help care for your namesake!

Love & hugs,

Anonymous said...

KATY WITH A "Y"! You are alive and well in South America! I'm thrilled to hear from you. I think we should do lunch really soon. I could use a vacation! :)

Glad to hear things are going well!!

alibethb said...

Hi Kathyrn! I know you miss me greeting you on the phone that way so imagine you are hearing it!

The next time I am doing my homework I will be thinking of you. And I thought I had it bad!

The kids miss you already. Drew asked "when is Katy coming home again?" and then he said "oh, yeah the day before my birthday".

Can't wait to hear from you again. Kiss Kiss (on each cheek) :)

Unknown said...

Just added your blog to my favorites list!

So glad that you made it and you are doing what you want to be doing. Cheers to destiny!

So glad we got one last FF with you before you left.

Miss you already!

les and the gang