Saturday, March 8, 2008

Vacation is hard!

Who says vacation is relaxing? I have a feeling I might be MORE tired at the end of this than when I started out. My class ended on Tuesday, I flew to Buenos Aires on Wednesday, did a city tour on Thursday, went to Uruguay on Friday and now am at the airport waiting for my flight to Iguazu (left). But good times all around!

I know I keep talking about it, but I really have been impressed by the people here. This morning my cab driver and I chatted and laughed like old friends. Seriously, when was the last time you had a cab driver kiss you goodbye?! (Note to Dad: he was a huge, crazy Patsy Cline fan and said to tell you that you have excellent taste in music!) People here are constantly stopping you and talking to you, offering to help, give you suggestions or just asking about what you’re doing here.

Last night in the cab, when the guy was giving me the free city tour, he was busy pointing something out to me and cut someone off by mistake and the other guy started swerving and beeping like mad… then he started pulling up alongside us. My first thought was that they were going to get into it but instead he drove up next to us and started waving at my driver, smiling and talking with him. I couldn’t believe my eyes. No one was mad, no one was screaming or flipping each other off. They parted ways with big gestures, laughing and waving. Seriously, how cool is that?

When I was in Chile and thinking about going somewhere to teach this fall, I was leaning towards Central America, reasoning that, other than Mexico, I’d never been there. But now I think I would seriously come back here. I know I’ve only been here a few days and I could change my mind, but I love the vibe I’m getting here and I would really consider it.

The cab driver this morning told me that he’s only lived here for 3 years and doesn’t really like it because he feels that the city people aren’t as friendly and relaxed as people in the country. And I thought the people here WERE friendly and relaxed… imagine how much more so they must be outside of the city! Anyhow, that’s what I’m thinking today… who knows what I’ll be thinking tomorrow.

For now, off to Iguazu. Since it’s a domestic flight, I’m flying out of the smaller airport, which sits on the River Plata, which is lined by fishermen (right). A pretty cool view to be seeing while waiting for a flight, I must say. When I decided to take the course in South America, there were two things that I knew I HAD to do while down here: first, Iguazu and second, Machu Picchu (Peru). Today I get to do one of them! I’ve been wanting to go to Iguazu for years now so I’m really, truly excited about being able to finally go!

Made it. The flight was totally smooth. It was pretty cloudless so for most of the hour and a half, I was able to watch the eastern Argentinean landscape go by beneath me. Pretty much, it’s flat. Very flat. Compared to flying out of Chile, where the true majesty and expanse of the Andes Mountains was absolutely overwhelming.

My hotel rocks! My room is HUGE, with a fabulous, swanky bathroom and a balcony. There’s a great pool and good restaurants. But tomorrow morning I will nevertheless pry myself away and head to Iguazu Falls… woo-hoo!

1 comment:

Julie Garner said...

I logged on to IM tonight looking for you. You weren't there. I'm sure because you were having some sensational experience. I miss you!!!

I'm so thankful for your blog. Hurry home though...Namesake wants to meet her Aunt Katy. :)

Love you!