Thursday, September 9, 2010

Here we go again....

And so it begins. I have been thinking about, planning for and talking about September 9th for so long, and it always seemed so remote, that it really started to feel like it would never actually get here. It became more like an idea of something rather than a real thing. But now it's September 9th and I'm sitting at JFK waiting for my flight to Toronto. And it's real. And I'm excited!

Despite the fact that I have been up for 29 straight hours now. Yes, 29. Really. And no, I did not start doing laundry or packing until around 2:30 am last night. Seemed like a good idea at the time. I am now reconsidering the supposed brilliance of that plan. Either way, surprisingly, I still have a rather commendable amount of alertness, good humor and energy. I'm attributing it to my excitement about what's to come in the next 3 months. That, and a lot of coffee.

So I left my house at 4:30 this morning and so far I have traveled by car, train, subway, airtrain and very soon a plane. And it's only 1:30. I could have already just driven myself to Toronto in the same amount of time! But I know that once I land on the other end, my good friend Dan will be there waiting for me so it will soon all be worth it. Unless of course I totally pass out on the plane, miss my stop and end up somewhere like, with my luck, Siberia. It's something I would totally do!.

Oh, and I have already MADE $300 on this trip. Score! I got bumped from my original 12:35 flight and now am taking a 2:40 one. For this "major" inconvenience, I got a $300 travel voucher. I repeat: score! So basically, for sitting around for an additional 2 hours surfing the web and making phone calls, I have earned what works out to $150/hour. I don't make nearly that much when I'm doing REAL work. I am now hatching a plan to figure out a way to make this my full-time job.

But for now, I travel. So, here we go..... !

1 comment:

Katie Nienow said...

Ahhh! So excited for you...and still so jealous I don't want to read your blog! :) have an amazing time!!