Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Canadian and a Colombian

My last full day in Toronto. If this is how fast the whole trip is going to go, three months won't be nearly enough time!

In addition to my super cool friend Dan, I know someone else in Toronto. Christian, a friend I met in Colombia back in 2008, moved up here a couple of years ago so, of course, when I found out I would be stopping in Toronto, we made plans to meet up. He lives in a very cool section of Toronto called the Distillery District so Dan and I met him there and spent some time walking around and having lunch at a cool little outdoor place. We then went to his apartment and from his terrace he has amazing views of the city, the CN Tower AND the beach. If I lived there, I envision myself spending a LOT of time out there, reading and soaking it all in. Very cool.

We then went to the beach for more meandering and to watch the windsurfers. It was co-oold. Odd that I left Lancaster during the most beautiful weather of the whole year only to come to Canada and be cold and having to wear sweaters every day. It was strange to be at the beach and see everyone in hooded sweatshirts, jeans and jackets but I guess, just like in PA, everyone here is determined to soak up every last moment of nice weather they can before winter hits.

We parted ways with Christian in the early evening and Dan and I went to this teeny tiny little town a bit north of where he lives to have dinner in a cute little pub. It was bizarre going one minute from a major metropolis to literally the next minute driving down a long, dark, seemingly abandoned road in the middle of nowhere. We finally saw some lights in the distance and got to what was literally a one-light town, the kind of place where everyone truly does know everyone. More talking, more laughing. One of the things I dig most about Dan is how one minute we can be laughing our guts out (yeah, we crack ourselves up) to the next be having a really profound heart to heart. He's a great friend to have! Plus, he buys me Tim Horton's coffee every day.

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